To complement your prior analysis of the Problem, this week’s interviews should focus on the Solution, with the interviewees being those with insights on the below questions. Your insights and plans in this Solution chapter should also be informed by your primary research and secondary research. The Solution chapter of the business plan to be authored this week should address:

  • What specifically are you proposing as a Solution to the Problem as previously discussed? Be specific about the benefits and features of your Solution.
  • Why should stakeholders care about your Solution? Specifically, why would a customer care about your Solution? Why should an investor care? What is the value proposition?
  • Are there any solutions like this in your target market? Are there comparable solutions in other markets? How did you identify and arrive at your Solution?
  • What are the technical challenges and risks of your Solution?
  • What would keep customers from adopting your Solution?
  • Would your solution be required to unseat an existing solution, or disrupt a current business process?

Be sure to support your analysis and decisions with research and references. References may be included in APA format.

For this Solution chapter, a 2 to 3 page single-spaced length is appropriate. A references page may be included as an additional page. Tables, graphics, and related visual tools to efficiently communicate key information is encouraged.

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