This is a two part discussion each is 350 word minimum.

PART 1: Testing Timeline Review [1 of 2]

Reflect on the history of testing. Create a timeline showing significant events in testing that you believe were important to the development of psychological assessments. Go as far back to the beginning with testing in ancient China and ending with testing today.

PART 2: Comparing Psychological Tests [2 of 2]

How might psychological tests be similar to and different from one another? Select two tests, and identify at least two similarities and differences.

Miller and Lovler (2016) recommended four websites for psychological test databases; refer to page 30 of your textbook.

Note: Find a test measuring a construct in your area of interest; do not purchase a review of any test. You will use the websites to look up the name and brief description of a test and then conduct further research on your own about this test.

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