This assignment is to be an essay summarizing and analyzing an article from a professional journal in the field of family development.

The goal of this assignment is to acquaint you with a professional journal in the field of family development and the type of article written for professionals in that field.

Using the SDSU Library database, locate an article from the Journal of Marriage and Family which is published by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Choose any topic area you wish. I suggest looking over many article titles and descriptions to find one that really interests you.

A journal is a peer reviewed publication with professionals in the field as its audience. I suggest using this journal specifically because it is the oldest in the field and seen as a premier source of research publication about families. It will also make sure that you are finding the correct type of article and publication to review.

Here are the parameters for writing your paper: (Consult the APA Checklist on the Week 1 link for guidance on setting up the parts of the paper you have not had to do in the weekly work.)


•Title page in APA format

•A minimum of three pages of content analysis with ties to the text

•Reference page all in APA format

(Your first page will be the Title page, the next three or so pages will be your content, and then the final page is the reference page. Make sure the reference page cites only the scholarly article from the Journal of Marriage and Family you used and the text.)

  • Cite the research article a minimum of four times in APA.
  • Cite the textbook a minimum of four times in APA.
  • As always, write at a college level (grammar and spelling matter!).
  • Proofread before submitting.
  • Submit through Turnitin on Blackboard
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