• Task: The multiple-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of at least 10 sources • Length: 2000-3000 words • Format: APA • Sources: a total of at least 10 sources, all of which should be from scholarly journals or credible trade journals. You should find your sources through library searches. o If you cite sources from websites or popular journals, these sources should be in addition to the 10 sources you have cited from scholarly or trade journals. • Topic: Please use the same topic that you used for writing assignment #3. It is recommended that you focus on or expand on the essay that you wrote for writing assignment #3. You will continue with the topic you have selected and will conduct additional searches in the library databases, hopefully focus the topic more, and determine the 10 or more sources to use in this essay. • Integration of Sources: At least eight sources must be cited in the body of the essay. You may cite sources in your introduction to help you define terms, and you may cite sources in your conclusion to help you direct the reader to further inquiry. However, the body of the essay should synthesize at least eight sources.

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