The Concert Project (Written Paper): Watch a video of (or attend) a live concert performance pertaining to the Western European Art Music tradition (also known as Classical Music) – PLEASE USE THIS URL TO SELECT A CONCERT. EITHER CHOOSE A CONCERT THAT IS LONGER THAN 75 MINUTES OR COMBINE THE CHOSEN VIDEOS AS LONG AS THEY ALL EQUAL 75 MINUTES OR MORE IN TOTAL: * This may be a concert you find on the internet, a Blu-ray or DVD of a concert, or a compilation of several shorter videos equaling at least 75 minutes of music. * The videos must be of people performing the music live where you can see them performing the music – no audio only recordings, still pictures while the music is playing, or videos where you cannot see the performers playing the music live. * A complete live opera performance may count as your concert. * A ballet performance may also count – focusing on how the music helps tell the story and set the mood for the dances. * Do not do Hamilton or Wicked, or any musical of the sort. No movie versions of musicals are allowed. * The performers must be of professional or college level – no high school, middle school, or grade school performances. * The Concert Report: * Must be typewritten in clear 10-12 point type font (no fancy fonts please), double-spaced (but no extra spacing before or after paragraphs), at least 2 ½ pages long. Use proper grammar and spelling. See also the instructions on the page “Concert Etiquette and Report Writing” to see what you should include in your report. * Include the following In Your Report: * At the beginning: * Give the title and URL of each of the videos used. If Blu-ray or DVD- give the title and release date of the disc. If live concert that you attended – give a copy or complete rundown of the program. * General Overview 1-2 Paragraphs): * What type of concert was this–instrumental, vocal, solo, orchestra, choral, small ensemble, mixture, etc.? * Was it a single concert or compilation of several videos? What types of pieces were performed? What specific instruments and voice types could you identify? What specific genres could you identify? If notable you may also include the various duties the performers had – sing, act, dance, play different instruments, conduct, etc., or if any particular performers or instruments were featured or stood out. The music – the main body of your report (4-5 Paragraphs): Pick 4 – 5 specific pieces or movements of pieces to discuss. For each piece or movement discussed: 1. Identify the composer and stylistic period and the genre (type) of music; 2. Describe how the music sounded using musical terminology from class pertaining to melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, meter, dynamics, tone colors, voices and instruments, text setting (if vocal), etc.; 3. Discuss your personal assessment and reaction to the music – what kinds of moods, emotions or effects the music created, how the music affected you, and how the music caused you to think or feel a certain way. What was it in the music specifically that caused you to react that way? Give specific details/reasons/examples based on what happened in the music. The performers (1-2 Paragraphs): Describe some things you noticed about the performers. Was there a particular performer that you especially liked or disliked? Why? Conclusions (1 Paragraph): Any other personal thoughts or observations about the concert. You may describe personal likes and dislikes but you should support your statements with reasons and/or examples. Do: * Give me your own thoughts and opinions. * Support your opinions with sound reasons (such as why you liked or disliked something). * Show me that you were an active listener at the concert. Do not: * Give a description of events as they happened (first they played the first piece, then they played the next piece). * Give a fashion report (the lady wore a pink chiffon dress) unless it affected the music. * Summarize the program notecsus, I can read them as well as you can.
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