Watch the above video by National Geographic. It can be shocking and even overwhelming to think of anything different than your own culture. In many parts of the world, rats are seen as a nuisance but worshiped in others. For those who practice Hinduism, cows are sacred and deeply respected. The way we view food can give others an insight into how we view culture. As you watched how different parts of the world interact and celebrate food, what came to your mind? Can you relate with any practice that was shown? What are your own cultural practices that you engage in that others may or may not understand? How does culture influence our interpersonal relationships and how we communicate with those around us? The professors in the video explained that we are not as different from others and food is a part of celebration for a multitude of cultures. Do you agree with them? Explain your answer. Your Discussion Forum assignments will be graded using the following grading criteria: Directly and completely answer the question50%Respond to two or more posts explaining the reason for your agreement or disagreement or why you think the post is important, and/or provide examples of the point(s) made.50% TOTAL100 % Your Initial Post to Discussion: 100 words minimum Reply to Classmate 1: 100 words minimum As I watched how different parts of the world interact and celebrate food, the first thing that came to mind was a sense of repulsion and disgust because of what they were eating. I definitely can’t relate to any of the practices that were shown. Since I am cuban, my own cultural practices are mainly eating white rice, black beans and roast pork for Christmas Eve and now that I live in the US, I try to engage in the culture here by eating turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving day. Culture influences or interpersonal relationships and how we communicate with those around us because we are not all from the same country or region, therefore we all like different foods, music, sports etc. The communication between people with different cultures can be either positive if they respect and try to learn from each other, or negative if they both think they culture is the better one and start attacking each other. I do agree with the professors saying we are not as different from others and food is a part of celebration for a multitude of cultures because all the cultures have the same principles which is what makes a culture a “culture” being a particular food, music or clothing. Reply to Classmate 2: 100 words minimum Unthinkable Delicacies:The first thing that strikes a chord when I saw this video is, decent variety. The world is colossal and there numerous things that we are not by any means mindful off. Assorted variety with respect to nourishment, language, music, art, qualities, propensities, such a significant number of things that makes each and every individual in this world interesting. I for one don’t identify with any of the practices that was appeared in this video since I practice religion all alone. I don’t relate to any gathering or any association, I put stock in things and I simply connect to them in my very own one of a kind way and my everyday life style.
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