This topic represents the fourth participation event of this class. For this topic, the subject of Intellectual Property is considered. The Internet is an ideal communication mechanism because of its openness and anonymity, but people must make ethical decisions about how to use this power. Intellectual property is a work of the mind, such as art, books, formulas, inventions, and processes that are distinct and created by a single person or group. Copyright lawprotects authored works such as art, books, film, and music. Patent law protects inventions, and trade secret lawhelps safeguard information that is mission critical in an organization.

For this Discussion Topic, please discuss how freedom of expression and intellectual property rights might ethically conflict. In your reply, consider how your own freedom of expression might affect your privacy or personal intellectual property. Please provide examples when possible

Please address the discussion requirement above and feel free to add in other pertinent comments as you see fit!

In order to receive full participation credit (i.e., one point) for this Discussion Topic, students must provide an initial response to the week’s discussion topic by midnight, Eastern time, on Thursday (10-5-17) of the coming week, AND respond to at least two postings from other students to the current week’s discussion topic by the end of the class week (midnight, Eastern time, Sunday (10-8-17)). The initial response is worth 1.00 points and the two replies to the other students’ posting are worth .50 points each. Please see the Grading Rubric for Class Participation in the Syllabus.

Responses to Discussion Topic 4 will not be accepted after Midnight of 10-8-17

Participation is open-ended and has no holds barred (mechanics are not evaluated and objectivity is not required, although this is a perfect opportunity to practice). When preparing a response to a discussion topic in a Conference Session, the following suggestions apply:

  • Indicate the student (s) your response is intended for or the subject of your response by altering the title in your response appropriately – this action will also facilitate threading.
  • Initial responses should demonstrate critical thinking and comprehension of the conference topic. These are strengthened when supported by additional research. Responses to classmates’ postings should be constructive, expand upon points made, ask additional questions, and contribute to the dialogue. A simple “good posting” or “I agree” is not a sufficient comment.
  • After submitting the response, check its content to make sure that it is accurate, what you want to say, and that any WWW references cited are clickable. If need be, edit the response appropriately.

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