Student need to present a review of the article by Kaisa Henttonen, Jan-Erik Johanson and Minna Janhonen. Work-team bonding and bridging social networks, team identity and performance effectiveness.
This is to write a Presentation about the analysis of the article.
1. It should be between 8 and 12 minutes.
Now, addressing the actual content of your work, the audio/video presentation should be focused on the following points:
1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
not address this numbered point.
4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
does the author actually what us to learn?
5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal
Not less than 700 words.
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