Please read the following incident reports and answer the questions in short-essay form, answering the questions below: On Wednesday, July 25th at 2:00 a.m., Als 24-hour Convenient Store on South State Street was robbed by two men. One man was wearing a Halloween Scream mask, blue jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt, and unknown colored shoes. The other was wearing a Saw mask, blue jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt, and shoes. Each had a pistol; the clerk believed the Saw robbers gun was black in color, as were his gloves. The Saw man stated, Dont do anything stupid and you wont get hurt. He had no accent. While aiming the gun at the clerk, he jumped across the counter and ordered her to open the register. She complied; he then emptied the drawer into a bag from behind the counter, and told her to lie on the floor and not move for 15 minutes. He then grabbed four cartons of Marlboro cigarettes before he and his partner were heard running out of the store. The clerk did not see what direction he fled and the surveillance video camera was not functioning. No other witnesses were available. On Wednesday, August 5th at 1:30 a.m., Joes Gas-N-Go on the corner of State and Main Streets was robbed by two men. One suspect was wearing what was described as a long white-faced mask, blue jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt, and shoes. The other was wearing what was described as a white mask with painted facial features, blue jeans, a black hooded sweatshirt, and shoes. Both were carrying guns but the clerk could not identify the types of guns any further. The clerk could not remember if gloves were worn and was unable to identify what race or ethnicity the suspects might have been. The subject with the white mask with painted features pointed a gun at the clerk and said, you wont get hurt dont be stupid, and jumped over the counter while pointing a gun at him. He ordered the clerk to open the register and lie down on the floor. The clerk did so, and the suspect emptied the register contents into a bag from behind the counter. The suspect in the long white-faced mask had an indistinguishable accent, and told the clerk not to move for 15 minutes as the other suspect was grabbing cartons of Marlboro cigarettes before jumping over the counter and leaving the store. Surveillance cameras caught the incident on tape. It was determined the vehicle involved was an early 2000s model Ford Taurus with a temporary license plate, but the numbers could not be read. The vehicle left the parking lot traveling southbound and then turned eastbound onto Main Street at a high rate of speed. On Tuesday, August 18th at 11:58 p.m., Shirleys Donut Shop on South State Street was robbed by one man. He entered the store wearing a Saw mask and was heard yelling Nemo keep it running! He wore a black hooded sweatshirt, longer black shorts, short white socks, and shoes. He quickly moved toward the counter with his gun pointed at the clerk. He told her not to do anything stupid and she wouldnt get hurt. She was screaming, he took the butt of the gun and hit her across the face with it as he came over the counter. She fell to the floor but remained conscious. He took her keys and opened the register, emptying the cash into a bag from the store. He continued to tell her that she had better not ….do something stupid or she wouldnt make it to the end of her shift. He grabbed another bag and started taking cartons of Marlboro cigarettes. While on the floor, the clerk noticed his skin was white, and he had a large tattoo of a spider with what looked like tattooed blood droplets coming out of where the spiders feet were depicted entering the mans right leg. He jumped over the counter and yelled lets go, lets go, lets go! Surveillance video did capture the event, and the vehicle was a Ford Taurus with temporary license plates. It exited the parking lot eastbound at a high rate of speed onto Main Street. When reviewing these inciden…
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