
Review your results from the previous rounds of CAPSIM. You are nearing the end of the 8-year simulation, so you really want to make sure that the decisions you have made at this point are helping to get your company where it needs to be financially. If you changed any of your strategies in Round 5, Round 6 should show you how those decisions affected your organization, either positively or negatively. Continue to make adjustments as you see fit in order to meet the goals of the organization by the end of Round 8.

If you need technical assistance for CAPSIM, please call the student support number (877-477-8787) or email support at

Once you have completed Round 6, complete the Financial Measures Template. Select a different financial measure from prior week/s and write one to two paragraphs describing how that financial measure is created (e.g., ROS=Profit/Sales) and cite your source, its value to the firm, and how your performance compares with the competition and over time.

Length: 1-2 paragraphs: See directions in the Financial Measures Template.

Upload the Financial Measures Template and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

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