There should be a single title page for the document. However, each question should have its own separate references page. The total length of the document should be between 13 and 16 pages.

Question 1:
In 750-1000 words, identify and explain the five steps of forecasting, and then come up with an original example taken from your own professional experiences to illustrate these steps. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, one of which must be the class text, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.

Question 2:
In 750-1000 words, explain qualitative and quantitative forecasting, and then come up with an original example of each taken from your own professional experiences to illustrate these two forecasting types. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, one of which must be the class text, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.

Question 3:
In 750-1000 words, identify and explain the types of data patterns, and then come up with an original example of each (strive to make it based on your own professional experiences) to illustrate each data pattern type. Your response must be original. You must incorporate at least three reliable sources, one of which must be the class text, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected

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