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You want to buy headphones, and for each headphone the store offers 5 brands, 4 colors, 2 wireless types and 3 cord lengths. How many options are available ?

Image result for headphones

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John wants to watch a comedy and a drama. He has 10 comedies and 12 dramas to choose from. In how many ways can he do his selection of 1 comedy and 1 drama ?

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An ice cream parlor offers 10 flavors of ice cream, 5 toppings and 3 types of cones. How many choices are possible ?

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How many license plate codes can be made with 5 consecutive characters, if repetition of characters is allowed ? ( A character is any letter of the English alphabet or any digit ).

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A bicycle store carries 7 brands of bicycles, each one in 5 colors, 6 wheel sizes and 2 types of brakes. How many bike choices are available at this store ?

Image result for bike

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 65 pts

According to the ____________, if there are LaTeX: m
ways to do an action and LaTeX: n
ways to do another action, then both actions can be done in ____________ ways.

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In how many ways can 7 persons be arranged in a row ?

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In how many ways can 7 different cars be arranged in a row ?

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In how many ways can 8 people line up for concert tickets ?

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According to the ____________ the number of arrangements of LaTeX: n
different objects is ____________.

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In how many ways can 5 students be selected as winners ( with no order or ranking ), out of a group of 12 finalists in a math competition ?

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In how many ways can you select a group of 3 students from a class of 20 students ?

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You want to prepare a smoothie using 3 ingredients selected from 5 available ingredients. How many options do you have ?

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The number of combinations of LaTeX: n
elements, taking LaTeX: r
at a time, is given by the formula :

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In ____________ the order of the elements is ____________. In ____________ the order of the elements is ____________.

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The number of permutations of LaTeX: n
elements, taking LaTeX: r
at a time, is given by the formula :

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 175 pts

10 students are competing for 3 prizes ( gold, silver and bronze medals, with no ties ). In how many ways can the prizes be awarded ?

Image result for gold silver bronze

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