I will deduct 2 points if you do not double space. Type your answers on a word document. Each question should be answered thoroughly (Note: each answer should be answered in less than one page). Be specific in your answers. Answers must include citations from the textbook and/or articles .  In other words, back up your statements. I will deduct one point for each question where you do not cite your work. How do the following conditions of pregnancy pose a risk to a fetus: maternal/gestational diabetes, Rh sensitization, and premature rupture of membranes? (you must address all three to receive full credit on this question) Explain how early intervention Part C is organized in California. Include which agencies are responsible for serving children birth to three who are at-risk or have a disability. Review the sample IFSP (starts on page 353) and sample IEP (starts on page 372) in your Howard text. Describe three ways in which an IFSP differs from an IEP. Lynch and Hanson assert that “until one understands the impact of his or her own culture, language, race and ethnicity on attitudes, beliefs and values and ways of  thinking and behaving, it is not possible to fully appreciate the cultures of others.” How does this relate to early childhood special education? Discuss some aspects of SPED 400 that increased your knowledge about Early Childhood Special Education and young children with disabilities. Good luck and please email me with any questions! THIS IS AN ASSIGNMENT FOR VERY YOUNG CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS YOU CAN FIND INFORMATION FROM THE BOOK VERY YOUNG CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, 5TH EDITION

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