
After coming up with some ideas for a new business, entrepreneurs then screen those ideas to find the best idea. Finally, they perform a feasibility analysis to determine the viability of their business idea before they begin a business plan. You practiced with feasibility analysis concepts in the Learning Activity.


Your Journal entry should be composed in a Microsoft®Word® document and submitted to the Journal Dropbox. Your entry should be a minimum of 250 words, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font.

As preparation for your Assignment in Unit 2, develop and describe your own startup business idea and then conduct a brief feasibility analysis by considering all of the following: (1) market potential, (2) industry attractiveness, (3) new venture leadership. Refer to Chapter 3, Exhibit 3.7, pages 86–89.

Checklist: Provide the following information in your short feasibility analysis:

State your business idea.

Market potential: Briefly explain your market.

Explain lasting potential for the business in the long term in the industry, considering competition.

Describe the leadership team: Are you or the leadership team equal to the task? Explain.

Unit 1 Journal Grading Rubric

Percent Possible

Points Possible

Points Earned




Specific Paper Objectives: Addresses the Assignment Checklist (80%) and demonstrates analysis and critical thinking:


States his/her startup business idea.


Market potential: Briefly explains his/her market.


Explains the lasing potential for the business in the long-term in the industry, considering competition.


Describes the leadership team and explains if they are equal to the task.




Writing Style, Grammar, APA (20%)

Grammar and spelling are correct.


Writes a minimum of a 250 words in a Microsoft®Word® Document





Total Assignment Score:


Total Points Possible: 25

Total Points Earned:

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