Technology Presentation Submit Assignment Due Apr 12 by 11:59pm Points 240 Submitting a file upload The purpose of this Course Project is to provide students the opportunity to explore a technology used in the healthcare system. The project requires students to work in a small team together in order to describe how this technology supports the patient care experience through the use of information technology and information structures. Teams and topics will be assigned and are nonnegotiable. The final product of this project is a presentation to be shared with the class in Unit 8. Download the Technology Presentation guidelines (Links to an external site.) . Submit the assignment by the due date, as instructed by your faculty member. Rubric RUA Technology Presentation (NR360) RUA Technology Presentation (NR360)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduce Technology & Team*Title slide identifies the assigned technology and introduces team members *Provides an introduction *Describes the technology *States purpose(s) for the technology in healthcare. *Establishes the professional tone for the presentation. 20.0 to >18.0 ptsOutstandingAll criteria met and thoroughly explicated.18.0 to >16.0 ptsVery GoodOne (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented.16.0 to >15.0 ptsSatisfactoryOne (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented.15.0 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThree (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory and Current Use*Describes significant findings that prompted the development of the technology *Discusses the history and current use of the technology in healthcare *Describes three goals of this technology’s implementation. 30.0 to >27.0 ptsOutstandingAll criteria met and thoroughly explicated.27.0 to >25.0 ptsVery GoodOne (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented.25.0 to >22.0 ptsSatisfactoryOne (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented.22.0 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThree (or more) of the criteria are not met or are inadequately presented. 30.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImpact on Healthcare and Nursing*Impact on professional nursing practice. *Patient safety impact (including statistical justification) *Impact on patient care delivery, quality care measures/monitoring, and risk management (privacy, confidentiality, and security) as applicable. *Ethical & legal considerations. *Infrastructure/ operational consequences (e.g., budget, costs, etc.) *Impact on a population and/or geographic region *Provide examples & statically significant data to support examples. 40.0 to >36.0 ptsOutstandingThoroughly describes and accomplishes each criteria.36.0 to >33.0 ptsVery GoodDescribes/accomplishes each criteria.33.0 to >30.0 ptsSatisfactoryDescribes/accomplishes each of the criteria except for one (or more) component.30.0 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDescribes/accomplishes each of the criteria except for two (or more) component. 40.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThree Advantages and Disadvantages*Patient’s vantage point or perspective (e.g., patient outcomes, safety, patient/family satisfaction). *Nurse’s vantage point (improves/hinders job efficiency/safety) *Healthcare organization’s vantage point (regulatory compliance, financial, etc.). 40.0 to >36.0 ptsOutstandingDescribes all criteria thoroughly.36.0 to >33.0 ptsVery GoodDoes not adequately describe one of the criteria thoroughly.33.0 to >30.0 ptsSatisfactoryDoes not adequately describe two of the criteria thoroughly.30.0 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDoes not adequately describe any of the criteria thoroughly. 40.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeControversy/ Issues/ Challenges/ Regulatory ImplicationsHow might issues surrounding the chosen technology be addressed/solved? *Provide statically significant data or…

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