Overview: In this short paper, you will briefly summarize the pros and cons of digital advertising channels and then apply this information to three campaign scenarios. You will also describe the pros and cons of display advertising versus social media.

Prompt: Briefly summarize the top digital advertising channels, including their recommended uses and key performance indicators. In your response, consider the following channels:

Display ads



Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram)

Next, apply this information to determine the most effective channel for the brands described in these campaign scenarios:

Your brand has a strong e-commerce presence and wants to drive more traffic to your website to develop purchase intent.

Your well-known legacy brand is trying to foster affinity between their product and online consumers. Your client is looking for a high-impact seasonal campaign that extensively leverages video.

Finally, describe the pros and cons of display advertising versus social media. Throughout the paper, support your responses by citing academic resources, industry leaders, examples, case studies, or research studies.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Channel Comparison: Summarize the pros and cons of the top digital advertising channels, including their recommended uses and key performance indicators.

Scenarios: Identify the recommended channel for brands based on their profile and campaign goals, providing the underlying rationale for each recommendation.

Display Versus Social: Describe the pros and cons of display advertising versus social media, providing specific examples to illustrate key points.

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