Short Paper: Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions (2 pages) Provide an example of an intercultural communication situation around immigration that remains tense. For example, you might briefly describe the cultural clash between migrants from S America and Mexico or the clash between Asian Americans and African Americans. OR Provide a reflection of a personal intercultural tension you experienced. Examine historical, political, social, cultural, and communication issues that are often visible and invisible in cultural clashes. Use at least one source and relate the story to course concepts. * You must have a works cited/reference page. Due Date: October 9, 2019 Paper Requirements: 2-3 pages, turn in stapled, hard copy Paper Format: Typed, Times or Times New Roman, 11 Font, Double-spaced Heading: Left Side of Paper, First and Last Name, Name of Assignment, Date, Class Name/Time, and Title Heading Example (Please note heading should be single-spaced and body of the paper is double-spaced): Jane Erica Doe Short Paper: Critical Incident October 9, 2019 SISU 130-22: 8:10-11 A Mom
and our course concepts has talk about modern minority (asian american) , you can add it.
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