Instruction for the Assignment Select Case Study 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 in “For Cultural Competence: Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions needed to Embrace Diversity.” Examine the scenario through a lens of cultural competence to determine when/how a deeper cultural understanding would have influenced the teacher’s responses. In a 500-750 word analysis, discuss 2-3 of the following concepts of deep culture in the context of the selected case study: · Collective orientation (promoting needs of the group versus promoting needs of the individual) · Time orientation · Respect for authority · Perceptions and value of education · Priority of family · Communication (e.g., language development, verbal communication styles, nonverbal communication, physical proximity) · Value of work/Work ethic · Peer pressure · Assimilation dilemma: adaptation versus preservation In addition, include specific advice to the teacher in your case study to help him or her respond more appropriately to the student/family. Use at least 2-3 scholarly sources (other than the assigned readings) to justify your responses. I have upload the template which must be used and followed and the 4 different case studies color coded that you can pick from

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