Need help with the questions below. Find the attached file. Some of them are already completed in that file. Need help with the rest. Most of these are short answers and may be completed in one to two lines.

1. What is the name of your firm and why did you select it?

2. Identify 2 or 3 notable facts in the history of your firm.

3. Identify and list the ‘business segments’ in your firm. Is there at least one for each team member?

4. Who is the Chairman/CEO of your corporation? Identify some of the person’s

attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other firms)

5. What are the current stock price, and most recent year end revenues, net

income and earnings per share? What is your preliminary assessment of the

firm’s financial health?

6. When is the next quarterly investor report for your company?

7. Browse through the news feeds related to your firm. What is your preliminary

assessment of the core issues facing your firm?

8. Set up a “Google Alert for your company

9. Which business segment are you focusing on?

10.What are the core activities/product lines of your business segment?

11.What percentage of the firm’s revenue is from this business segment? (show work)

12.What percentage of the firm’s earnings before taxes is from this line of

business? (show work)

13.Who is the executive in charge of this business segment? Identify some of the

person’s attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other


14.What are the NAICS and SIC codes for your business segment?

15.What are the industry’s revenues, profits and percent of profits to revenues?

16.Who are the major rivals of your business segment?

17.Where does your business segment rank amongst its rivals in terms of some

performance metrics such as revenue, operating income, market share, etc?

18.What are the main economic, political and social trends facing your business

segment’s industry?

19.What is your preliminary assessment of the industry and competitive position of

your business segment?

20.What is your preliminary assessment of the issues facing your business


21.Set up a “Google Alert” for your business segment (note this is a different alert

than for your company. You should have two alerts; (1) company and (2) your

business segment)

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