Review this Learning Resources:

Kumar, M., Parashar, A., & Prashar, S. (2016). When the tone of an email went wrong [Case Study]. Harvard Business Review.

Prepare a cohesive response in which you:

1. Describe a time when you sent an email that was not received well. As an alternative approach, describe a time when you received an email and misunderstood its intent. If neither scenario has ever happened to you, describe one in which someone you know experienced one of these situations.

2. What do you think led to the misunderstanding?

3. Describe what happened as a result of the misunderstood email.

4. Explain how this communication may have been made clearer and thus avoided any misunderstandings or problems. Include your evaluation of whether email was the most appropriate means to communicate the message.

5. Describe the important things to consider when communicating with people using email or other asynchronous methods as a sender and as a recipient.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources that you have read; or what you have observed and experienced

General Guidance: Your post, will typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length.


Kumar, M., Parashar, A., & Prashar, S. (2016). When the tone of an email went wrong [Case Study]. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from:

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