There is considerable tension between those who believe there should be no restrictions on the 2nd Amendment (the Right to Bear Arms) and those who prefer stricter gun control laws. This debate usually falls along partisan lines: Republicans tend to fully support the 2nd Amendment and Democrats advocate for stronger gun control. However, there are those who don’t affiliate with either party who believe that as long as the police and military have weapons then the people should also have them in order to defend themselves from “government tyranny.” No matter where you stand on this issue, after we witnessed the 2018 mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 students and teachers dead or the back-to-back massacres in August 2019 in El Paso and Dayton, OH, there needs to be a serious national discussion about the dangerous confluence of toxic masculinity, racism, and an unregulated gun culture.
At the same time, there are clear racial implications to this debate. Graham’s article points out how even when Black people assert their right to bear arms, they often don’t have the same ability to exercise those rights as white people do. This racial double standard has lead to several unarmed Black people being killed by law enforcement because cops assumed they were armed (Sam Dubose (Links to an external site.), Walter Scott (Links to an external site.), Philando Castile (Links to an external site.), Amadou Diallo (Links to an external site.), Botham Jean (Links to an external site.), Stephon Clark (Links to an external site.), etc.) while white mass shooters have killed numerous people but were arrested unharmed (Dylann Roof (Links to an external site.), James Holmes (Links to an external site.), Robert Dear (Links to an external site.), Ryan Giroux (Links to an external site.), Nikolas Cruz (Links to an external site.), Patrick Crusius (Links to an external site.), etc.). So the question remains, do Black people even have the right to bear arms?
For this 400-word writing response, you are asked to discuss where you stand on the 2nd Amendment. Do you support it wholeheartedly with no restrictions? Do you think people should have the right to only keep long rifles to hunt or hand guns for self defense? Or are you someone who’s completely opposed to citizens being armed? If you support the 2nd Amendment, how do you propose the government (politicians and the police) can do a better job making sure all citizens, regardless of race, are able to exercise this right? If you’re against individual citizens having weapons, do you think law enforcement and the military should be the only armed groups in society? If so, then how do citizens defend themselves from potential government authoritarianism and repression?
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