Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Task Description:
Sustainability is a combination of population size and consumption of resources per person. In this discussion, we will work as a class to understand sustainability as it applies to our lives. Here is what you need to do.

For your main post (due by Friday)

  1. Select one of the three Term Options, and view the associated video
  2. Summarize what you learned about your selected term in a detailed paragraph.
  3. Use this Ecological Footprint calculator to determine your individual footprint.
  4. Click on the button labeled “Table View
  5. In a detailed paragraph answer these questions using the results of your footprint calculation:
    • If each person in the world had the same footprint as you, how many Earths would it take to sustain our population?
    • Using the table, describe some areas in which your footprint values are less than the national average
    • Using the table, describe some areas in which your footprint values are greater than the national average
    • Were these results surprising to you? Why or why not?
  6. Click on the “Reduce Footprint” button
  7. In a detailed paragraph, describe three ways you can reduce your footprint; which of these changes would be easiest, which would be hardest, and why.

For your two replies (due by the flowing Tuesday)

  1. Read the posts of at least two peers: select peers that researched the terms you did not select. The point is to learn about all three terms, one from your research, and the other two from your peers’ work.
  2. Explain to your peer what you learned from their post and how their information was similar and/or different from your information.
  3. Compare and contrast your ideas for reducing your footprint to your peer’s ideas. Did you get a new idea from their post?

Grading Criteria Table: Use this table as a checklist while you work on this assignment.

Unit 3 Discussion Project Grading Criteria

Max Points

Summarizes what was learned about selected term


Identifies ecological footprint rating on a scale of 1 to 10 and relates to national average


Identifies ecological impact if each person had the same footprint as student and describes how and why student’s footprint was or was not surprising


Describes three ways the student can reduce his/her footprint, discussing which strategy is easier and hardest to apply and why.


Provides 2 follow-up responses to peers who wrote on a different topic


Peer responses encourage further conversation


Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively.




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