Scenario Instructions Scenario 3: pre-k socialization intervention Scenario assignments are designed to help the candidate synthesize and apply course content to real-world situations involving individuals with ASD. In Scenario #3, candidates will create a socialization intervention plan for a student with autism. Scenario: You are a pre-K teacher in an inclusive classroom. Jian, is a 3-year-old student in your class and was recently diagnosed with autism. Jian is also an English language learner. In addition to being an English language learner, Jian seems to have difficulty speaking even in his native language. Jian’s parents have expressed their concerns that Jian does not seem to have any friends in the class. You know Jian has difficulty interacting with his peers as he lacks the social skills to initiate relationships. You need to determine what specific skills Jian needs to learn so that you can create a socialization intervention. Assignment: Drawing upon the considerations related to social skills development as well as specific interventions discussed in Chapter 7, create a socialization intervention plan to support Jian in his inclusion setting. The final assignment must be at least 3 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point font) including a 1-page candidate reflection. Step 1: Outline the daily contexts in which Jian must function, the social demands of each identified context, and Jian’s level of socialization in those contexts to determine the skills he needs to learn. Step 2: Identify the steps you would take to formally evaluate the social contexts and demands for Jian. Identified steps should consider Jians overall communication needs and needs as an English language learner. Step 3: Outline 3 possible interventions that may best support Jian in relation to outlined social contexts and demands in Step 1 . Interventions should consider Jians overall communication needs and needs as an English language learner. Step 4: Reflect upon the intervention plan development process. The reflection should integrate course materials and a biblical world-view, including at least 3 in-text citations and reference list following APA formatting. A minimum of 2 biblical principles or Bible verses should be included in the reflection. The following considerations should be addressed within the reflection: · Explanation of how identification of social contexts and demand was approached. · Identification of possible variables that may impact the success of the intervention plan. · Outline of how the intervention plan may be introduced to typically developing peers in order to promote natural social opportunities within the scope of the intervention plan.
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