(safety and regulation guidelines in Petroleum industry ) MLA, double Space Cover page with relevant info,
including descriptive title.
Section headings.
Good graphics, with appropriate
Clean and professional looking. Abstract is proper length.
Highly informative, complete and
easy to understand.
Appropriate vocabulary is used.
Abstract makes you want to read
the paper. Thesis is clear, easy to find, and
appropriate to the assignment.
Thesis is supported by the rest of
the paper.
Paper contains a “roadmap” for
the reader.
There is a logical flow to the
Conclusion follows clearly from
the arguments presented. The evidence comes from a wide
variety of valid sources.
The bibliography is complete and
reflects appropriate sources.
The evidence used reflects multiple
views. Arguments are pertinent to the
Arguments are logical, supported
with evidence.
The key arguments have been
made – no major points have
been left out. Language and style appropriate
for intended audience.
Paper presents well-developed
analysis and synthesis.
There is nuance, inference and
subtlety to the paper.
Main points are memorable.
Reader is very engaged.

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