Many districts use Response to Intervention (RTI) programs and  multi-tier system of support (MTSS) to establish programs that meet many  different needs in one setting. Teachers must learn about  evidenced-based practices to make decisions about instruction. Universal  Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to guide evidence-based  instructional delivery and practices. Data from tiered support systems  such as RTI and MTSS help to steer the UDL framework. After  reading the Universal Design in Education tutorial, and conducting  research on UDL, compose a 100-150 word short answer response to each of  the following prompts: 1. Explain how applying UDL  principles in the educational setting responds to the needs of all  students, including students with disabilities. Describe the UDL  guidelines of engagement, representation, action, and expression. 2. Describe  three specific UDL instructional approaches or adaptations that  teachers may utilize to enhance the success of students with and without  disabilities. 3. Discuss, with specific examples, how UDL could influence instructional practice. Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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