1. Review the research you gathered in Week 2 and the thesis statement you created in Week 1 before beginning your rough draft. Be sure to note any feedback from your instructor about changes you might want to consider.

    You may also create an outline to use for yourself as you compose the draft. Review the
    model outline from the Center for Writing Excellence. Take advantage of the opportunity to record notes to yourself on where to flesh out ideas as a reference for later revisions. Keep in mind that only the draft will be required for submission in this assignment. You do not have to submit your outline or notes.

    Feel free to explore different approaches to preparing your draft, such as:

    • Writing it from start to finish.
    • Writing just the body or one section at a time.
    • Writing what intrigues you most with this topic.

    These strategies are meant to help you get started on your paper but remember to go back and revise so that you have a complete draft to submit.

    Use the
    APA template from the Center for Writing Excellence to create a draft of your Final Paper in a minimum of 525 words. Complete the appropriate title page information with your details and original title.

    This assignment requires that you include
    direct quotes or paraphrased information from the research you gathered in Week 2 (3 pieces of cited evidence, 1 of which is peer reviewed).

    Underline or bold the thesis statement within your introduction paragraph.

    Use a
    grammar tool from the Center for Writing Excellence to review your work for errors and make corrections as needed.

    Include APA-formatted citations on the last page of the assignment (References page). Each cited source should have 1 reference within the paper.

    Submit your assignment.


    Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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