Part I

***The minimum word count for the entire is 1300 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources does not count toward word count! You must use APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count)***

Case Study: Using the Internet and Chapter 5 of your text, research the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King.

1. Case Summary

In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in the case.

2. Case Analysis

What did the prosecution build their case upon and what evidence supported their theory against James Earl Ray?

3. Case Analysis

Discuss the advances in fingerprint evidence since Dr. King’s murder in 1968.

4. Executive Decisions

If you had been prosecuting James Earl Ray, do you feel your case would have been strong enough to win at trial? Outline your strategy.

Part II

***The minimum word count for the entire is 250 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources does not count toward word count! You must use APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count!)***

Criminalist Pete Evett is collecting fiber evidence from a murder scene. He notices fibers on the victim’s shirt and trousers, so he places both of these items of clothing in a plastic bag. He also sees fibers on a sheet near the victim, so he balls up the sheet and places it in as separate plastic bag. Noticing fibers adhering to the windowsill from which the attacker gained entrance, Pete carefully removes it with his fingers and places it in a regular envelope. What mistakes, if any, did Pete make while collecting this evidence?

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