A few weeks ago, a nearby hospital, which is very similar in operations and scale to Auburn Regional, was the target of a ransomware attack. You have kept a close eye on this event. You decide to complete a review of current material available regarding ransomware attacks and especially ransomware and hospital enterprise systems.
Develop a 1- to 2-page chart. Your chart should have four columns for Authorization, Authentication, Roles, and Mitigation, as well as three columns for Small, Medium, and Large businesses. The chart should compare four attributes that are critical in enterprise systems today. Populate and extrapolate what steps can be taken to mitigate threats for small, medium, and large hospital enterprise systems.
Based on your chart, provide a final recommendation on how the hospital can respond to the threat. Summarize your chart findings, provide your recommendation, and answer the following questions in a brief, 2- to 3-page executive summary to the Auburn Regional management team:
- How could changes to authorization, authentication, and roles help mitigate and deal with these systems threats?
- How do you verify people and security levels?
- How will your recommendations alleviate the threat?
Include the chart in your executive summary.
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