Initial Question

How can organizational culture influence creativity both negatively and positively? Provide examples to support your response.

My response

Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, values, and perceptions held by a group of people working towards a common goal. Creativity refers to the ability to discover new and useful things. Organizational culture can influence creativity positively or negatively. A good organizational culture promotes an inquisitive culture that helps to enhance employees’ creativity. The employees will open up their thinking and share with others to benefit the organization. In a culture where employees feel valued, they will feel free to come up ideas and innovations. For instance, an employee comes up with an idea on how to record and keep client data quickly and proficiently. The method of leadership in the organizational culture will determine the creativity levels of students. An organization with a democratic leadership style enhances creativity as the employees will be free to become innovative, share, and assess their ideas. Creativity is all about flexibility and originality (Ali Taha, Sirkova & Ferencova, 2016). An organizational culture that upholds integrity and honesty, employees will be free to be creative since they will not fear situations where the management shall still and own their innovative ideas. In an organizational culture that employees are restricted and act strictly under the supervision of the management, creativity is hindered. For instance, if a fire breaks out in an office, and employees always wait upon the management, they will not think of putting out the fire rather wait for instructions. It prevents their ability to think and act accordingly. A good organizational culture allows employees to use their creativity to respond to situations. Ideas should be nurtured and encouraged, employees should be motivated to develop their ideas. Lack of encouragement and motivation from top management hinders creativity. A culture of trust and belief will encourage creative and innovative behavior (Ali Taha et al., 2016).

Please respond to this comment:

You have identified several concepts pertinent to an innovative organizational culture. The negative influencers you referenced are strong, but on the other hand, the positive influencers ae even stronger. While your mention of allowing employees to be creative is important, the thing that stuck with me most is trust. This trust not only must exist between employees, but it must also exist between leadership and the rest of the organization. “According to Ruppel and Harrington (2000), less monitoring and defensive behavior by managers and more employees’ enthusiasm for innovation are believed to be the underlying mechanisms by which trust influences innovation (Golipour, Jandaghi, Mirzaei, & Arbatan, 2010).” While I am stating my opinion, I must conclude, trust is the foundation upon which an innovative organizational culture can be built. Just as trust is a foundation for an innovative culture, the lack of trust is the foundation for fear, tension, burnout, turnover, and a host of other things (Ryan, 2018). Trust builds a culture where not only innovation thrives, but also people.


Golipour R., Jandaghi, G., Mirzaei, M.A., and Arbatan, T.R. (2010). The impact of organizational trust on innovativeness at the Tehran oil refinery company. Retrieved from…

Ryan, L. (2018, March 17). Ten ways to build trust on your team. Forbes. Retrieved from…

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