Summary-analysis-response papers

: The summary-analysis-response paper is vital in helping students

write arguments. This assignment will take you step-by-step through the process to help you write

effective argument papers. The first step is to write the SAR paper to help you understand a writer’s

argument: writing a 3-4 sentence summary of the writer’s argument, which will be included in one

paragraph. The next step is to analyze how the writer uses evidence to persuade their audience: analyzing

the text: how well the article is organized, how well the author supports his/her argument through

providing two quotes (2-3 sentences each). The next section is the response to the issue that frames the

writer’s argument. What is your response to this issue? Why? The last paragraph is the conclusion which

reminds the reader of the importance of the writer’s argument, includes the reasons, and an analysis of the

topic and the issue.

The Assignment:

You will write a 3-4 page summary-analysis-response paper on one editorial that

addresses a technology issue. Choose one editorial that addresses an issue and topic relevant toward your

final argument paper. You may also choose your own, but they must address a technology topic and issue for your final argument

paper. There is only one source for this paper.


The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand how to use sources, understand when

to use a source/evidence, and finally to analyze a writer’s argument: reasons, evidence and opposing view.

For this paper there is only one source and you will format a summary, a paraphrase, and include quotes

from this one article. Also, this paper will help you choose a topic for the final argument paper.

Point of View



(Point of view is third person)

Summary Paragraph

(Point of view is third person)

Analysis Paragraph

(Point of view is third person)

Response Paragraph

(Point of view is first person)


(Point of view is third person)

Work Cited

(There should only be one source)


: Complete the framework/worksheet. This will be turned in with the final draft.

Evaluation/Grade Sheet:

SAR paper:


. Drafts and peer reviews are 2 points each.

Extra Help:

Student Papers: “Don’t Cross the Street While Smart-Phoning!” and “High Tech.”

MLA Format/Documentation/Evidence:

The paper should follow MLA 8


style format, typed,

double-space, 12-font Times New Roman, and last name and page number in the right hand corner in the

header. Incorporate evidence into your essay using correct MLA form

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