RESPOND TO THESE DISCUSSION POST BASED ON THE TOPIC “You are the chief information security officer (CISO), and due to a government shutdown and other factors, your desktop team is unable to migrate to Windows 7 as you initially planned. You know that Windows XP support will expire in just two weeks, and your agency will be vulnerable to all types of malware if you continue operating on it after the end of support deadline. How would you handle this risk? Would you accept, reject, transfer, or mitigate it? How did you come to that decision? When responding to your classmates, discuss your viewpoints of the best risk management option given in their scenario. Support your rationale with specific examples.” (TWO (2) PARAGRAPHS EACH WITH REFERENCES ON EACH OF THEN NOT TOGETHER) 1JnTHn SwGn M One Discss As the CISO of the company, my first concern is why we decided to wait until the last second to make the change to XP. There should have been setups and testing done earlier to help ensure that enough time was given for the migration to be effective. Since that is in the past, my effort would be put towards mitigating the risk of the XP machines on the network. The first step would be to evaluate the users and find out who could be migrated to 7 the fastest and with little downtime as possible. This would help to lessen the risk while at the same time keeping user uptime to the highest possible. With the machines that still have to be in use, I would implement network changes that would prevent the XP boxes from accessing the internet, but able to access the internal network. If there is a need for internet access, I would ensure that every XP user has a Windows 7 VM that could be used for internet access. This would help to keep down the risks involved with the XP machines pulling malware from the internet without impacting the users too much. There is less risk involved on the XP machines if they are unable to access the internet to pull down malicious files that could impact the machines. To ensure that the machines to do not slip the system, rules could be set on the firewalls to drop all outgoing traffic that is not company related. This would help to ensure if any command and control software did infect the system, the machines could be cleaned up with ease since the entire malware package was not able to be installed or controlled. 2.Trll Bns ). DSCSS 1:1 The Framework contains an array of activities, outcomes and references to help organizations identify their cybersecurity risks. It also allows groups to work toward a targeted cybersecurity outcome tailored to match the sector or type of organization. The organization can then take steps to close the gaps between its current profile and its target profile (2017). I would extend the contract for XP support until Windows 7 can be deployed across the organization. I would be sure to send out notifications to update all anti-virus and firewalls be setup to block specific IP addresses deemed risky. During this brief moratorium, we would block all unknown emails and end-users will receive the denied message attempting to access social media sites. The IT team will disable unused ports. Now, during the changeover, the IT team should mitigate damages from malware by restricting access to unauthorized advertisements, games and gambling sites. Therefore, implement a URL content filters and block social networking activities by implementing Internet content filters . These are some temporary behaviors we will be adopted until the government shutdown is over. I reached this critical decision because we must continue to operate for business purposes and support our customers. However, we know our network will be at risk during this shutdown if precautions are not in place. 3.Tyr Ktchn). Risk buz The risk of using an outdated operating system poses many threats to the organization.  If we were to continue using the OS we run the risk of vulnerabilities being exploited with …

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