You will be answering questions related to the Financial System and Money Supply, Interest Rates, Trade Balance and Foreign Exchange Rates. Each of the questions must have at least a half of page of writing (150 words). In addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, and your references page must be also in a page by itself. And, please do not forget to reference your in-text.

Answer the following questions:

– Discuss the impact of the bank mergers on the structure of American banking. Why do banks merge?

– What is the federal funds market? How does it help banks strike a balance between liquidity and profitability?

– Why has the Federal Reserve chosen to focus on the federal funds rate rather than some other interest rate as a tool of monetary policy?

– What is the difference between a depreciation of the dollar and a devaluation of the dollar?

– Explain why a U. S. recession that occurs as the rest of the world is expanding will tend to reduce the U. S. Trade deficit.

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