Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how test scores are interpreted and used to report student progress and program effectiveness.


This assignment includes two parts.

Part 1:

  1. Develop a Venn Diagram explaining the differences and common characteristics between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests.

Part 2:

  1. Visit (or interview) with an elementary school counselor/teacher to find out how standardized test results are used and reported, especially in the area of parental reporting.
  2. Discuss with a teacher of children with special needs how standardized tests are used to identify such children and create individual educational plans (IEP) for them. Reflect on the process used with one child without including any names.
  3. Then, develop a report on how to best report the results of the standardized tests for both cases and what specific plan(s) can be developed to improve the scores.
  4. Save your work (parts 1 & 2) as a word document and upload it in the Dropbox.
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