My major is Control & Instrumentation System Engineering
The report is about Industrial Cybersecurity (Problem & solution), (Causes, effects & recommendation)
I didn’t choose a title so far (choose a title / topic which has elements of both your major, and the theme.)
- Report
- 1500 words (±200) (500 words today, more 300 on wednesday, the rest on friday)
- Six sources
- APA6 referencing
- 2 Outlines
- 6 sources 2 of them are books
- Progress Report (due in 10 Oct)(I have sample)
- Introduction
- WORK COMPLETED (i.Sources ii.Preliminary outline iii. Source evaluations)
- The Report Overall
- Reference and In-text citation
- Choose 6 of your sources 2 of them are books, and use citation machine to write the full reference.
- Read your source quickly, identify some relevant information, and write 3 sentences (summary/paraphrase) with an in-text citation.
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