What is one question you would like answered about religion. For example, “Is religion a source of violence or a source of peace and harmony?” “Is Confucianism a religion?”

Bring one question that you will research and submit to your Required Instructor Meeting.


Choose one of the following questions

1. Describe some of the problems in today’s world that seem to be involved with religion and some ways religion can help inter-group and international understanding.

2. a. What do you think is the relationship between spirituality and religion? (Is it direct and immediate or merely incidental?) b. Give an example of someone who in your judgment is very spiritual, although not professedly and actively religious? What are the outstanding qualities of this person? c. Give an example of someone who in your judgment is a very spiritual person precisely because s/he is professedly and actively religious. What are the outstanding qualities of this person?

3. Religion has always been with us. Throughout history, it has expressed the deepest questions human beings can ask, and it has taken a central place in the lives of virtually all civilizations and cultures. As we think all the way back to the dawn of human consciousness, we find religion everywhere we turn.

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