In at least 250 words reflect on your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that you presented to your peers in the discussion board. This assignment is about creating and communicating a fully developed argument.

1.First, describe your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (this is a thesis statement)

2.Second, present and describe three (3) arguments in support of your Amendment. Think especially about the ideas, themes, and nature of our nation’s founding and political institutions. For example, do our founders ideas of what liberty means support you proposed amendment?

3.Third, address at least two 2 counter arguments that could be made by those that might oppose your proposed amendment. Describe those counter arguments fully and discuss why those counter arguments do not sufficiently counter your proposed amendment to the Constitution.

4.Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that restates your proposed change to the Constitution and reviews what you believe to be the most compelling argument in support of your proposed amendment.

Be sure to include a reference list for any outside sources you use in completing your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.

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