please follow these direction below, company of choice Walmart

  • Describe how your organization recruits applicants, and how they conduct onboarding or orientation programs. Go beyond the description of the practices, and provide an evaluation of how effective they are.
  • Provide suggestions to improve the recruiting and onboarding practices/systems at your organization.
  • Compare the approach taken by your company to best practices in the text or other sources.
  • Comment, as part of your paper, about the effectiveness of the performance management system(s), or lack thereof, of your organization. How might these systems be improved, in your judgment, to make them truly effective? Attempt to leverage at least three references to support your suggestions.
  • How does the organization retain employees? What does the organization do to keep employees engaged? Is this effective or ineffective?

keep in mind the answers match look seen for a student taking a MBA and follow APA

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