PLAGIARISM; taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
Your name and last four digits of your student ID number MUST be included at the top of

the first page to be eligible for extra credit points.

Read the two attached articles: How Enzymes Work by Dagmar Ringe and Gregory Petsko, (2008) Science 320:1428-1429, Industrial Enzyme Applications by Ole Kirk, Torben Borchert, and Clause Fuglsang, (2002) Current Opinion Biotech 13:345-351.

Your combined answers to all of these questions should be in the range of ~300-600 words. ********************************************************************************************************

1. What five lessons were learned from studying the structure and function of lysozyme?
2. What types of biochemical experiments were used to provide evidence for these five lessons? 3. Industrial grade enzymes are a multibillion-dollar business.

3A. Describe the primary difference between classical enzyme development, and present enzyme development, with regard to isolating desirable enzymes with improved biochemical properties.

3B. What three steps are required in both development processes to scale up from mutant isolation to a commercialized product ready for the market? Briefly describe each of the three steps.

4. Briefly describe the role of enzymes in each of the three biochemical process listed below and include the name of at least one enzyme used in that process.

4A. The detergent industry 4B. Starch conversion
4C. Textile applications

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