What is paternalism, and how is it sometimes used to justify lying?

use 2 quotes from the reading answer should be 2-3 paragraphs

Writing-Format Check List

You should work carefully through the following check list prior to submitting your written responses:

  • My essay is double spaced.
  • My margins are set at 1 inch all the way around
  • My essay is written in Times New Roman font
  • My essay is written in 12 font
  • My essay has page numbers on each page
  • My essays contain paragraphs approximately not more than 4 to 5 sentences
  • My essay contains my name on the right corner of the first page
  • My essay has no cover page or folder
  • My essay’s pages are stapled together
  • My essay does not use the words “feel” or “believe”
  • My essay indents each of its paragraphs
  • My essay does not contain any direct quotations from class lectures
  • My essay contains at least 2 direct quotations from the reading per reading; my quotations follow the directions given in class; my quotations are not longer than 2 sentences and includes the page numbers
  • My essay avoids obvious, basic grammatical errors.
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