Due 09/24/2019 by 6PM EST

For this assignment, you are expected to meet with your Field Instructor, discuss the organization’s funding sources and later, research current state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding.

Submit a 1-2 page paper in which you:

  1. Identify the agencies funding sources (State Medicaid program is funding source)(Agency is a for profit agency and receives no government funding)
  2. Identify state and federal policies that impact the agency’s funding. (For Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) services cannot be provided from private pay or commercial insurance.)
  3. Explain in specific detail, the impact of the policies identified and how they impact the agency’s funding.
  4. Discuss potential threats to the agency’s funding as a result of the current policies.

Peease note – Will need 2 more references.


Mental Health America (2019) Retrieved from: https://www.mhanational.org/issues/federal-and-state-role-mental-health, 09/20/2019

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