The purpose of this discussion is to critically think about economic levels.
Watch- Rachel Botsman: – The Case for Collaborative Consumption
Using the information you learned in your reading this week, think about how you would define a mezzo level and a macro level in the type of economy that Rachel Botsman presents. Then, write a substantive paper in approximately 500 words addressing the questions and criteria below. (Follow APA guidelines as is appropriate when citing and referencing sources.)
-For example, are there mezzo systems she has done away with due to the globalization of exchange?
-Does her system consider everything to be a micro system since we access it individually and don’t need to go through other systems to access the resources we need / want?
-How would you define this global exchange in terms of systems theory?
An example of a micro system she addresses;
An example of a mezzo system she addresses;
An explanation of a macro system she addresses;
How are these boundaries blurred in the current economy as she explains it?
Grading criteria
Integration and Critical Analysis
Identifies and integrates relevant theories, concepts, trends, and/or issues from the textbook, readings and course discussions relevant to the discussion; demonstrates proficiency in critical thinking skills.
Comprehensive-ness and in-depth understanding of the topic
Comprehensively addresses the questions and/or writing prompts; demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the topic by providing a good introduction and insightful conclusion. Seeks to understand concepts by applying own experiences in non-defensive way that shows maturity and insight. Identifies and integrates relevant theories, concepts, trends, and/or issues from the textbook, readings and course discussions relevant to the discussion; demonstrates proficiency in critical thinking skills.
Logic and Argumentation
All ideas in the paper flow logically; theme of the paper is identifiable, reasonable, and sound.
Writing Skills
Demonstrates skills in scholarly writing; logically organizes content and ideas; cogently and clearly presents arguments and responses; provides supporting evidence and example.
Evident, understandable, and appropriate for family practice paper; excellent transitions from point to point paragraphs support solid topic sentences.
Grammar, and diction excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation style; minimal to no spelling errors; absolutely no run-on sentences or comma splices
Require readings
Chapter 1&2
Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2014). Human behavior in the macro social environment. 4th edition. Belmont,
CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
ISBN: 9781285075495
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