Write 2 short question (maximum 2 sentences) about a specific passage in the reading (maximum 4 sentences) or about a specific feature of an object introduced in the reading, including a page reference for our benefit.

and answer the following questions.

“Western of 50’s definitely have…have spent so much time building up.”( Case Study, Pg195 – art history for filmmakers). I have noticed that there is an important link between politics and art from ancient times to the present, either in painting or in movies. But will political factors affect the actual quality of works of art?

Folktale usually has a very strong relation to its origin place as well as origin culture, and is usually created in an early era and kept till present days. To what extent do you agree that it is beneficial to study one culture’s history as well as art history by studying its folktale? What is the relation between ancient art and folktale from ancient time?

It is very well said by Jerzy Kosinskithat“The principles of true art are not to portray, but to evoke”. In Chapter 7, page 183 it is stated that “Hero’s in the paintings are not meant to be realistic, they are heroic”. Why is it so important for most of the artists to portray the famous or powerful figures as heroic, fearless superhumans? Do u think it’s correct and good to depict something that is not true and let the viewers believe the work of art?

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