#1 Open Idle and type your program in idle. Calculates the overall grade for four equally-weighted programming assignments, where assignments 1 and 2 are graded out of 50 points and assignments 3 and 4 are graded out of 75 points. Calculates the overall grade for a course with three equally-weighted exams (graded out of 100) that account for 60% of the overall grade and four equally-weighted programming assignments (graded out of 50) that account for 40% of the overall graded. Hint: The overall grade can be calculated as 0.6 * averageExamScore + 0.4 * averageProgScore. #2 weight = mass X 9.8 Write a program that asks the user to enter an objects mass, then calculates its weight . If the object weighs more than 500 newtons, display a message indicating that it is too heavy.  If the object weighs less than 100 newtons display a message indicating that it is too light. Must use if-else statements to write your program. #3 Write a program that lets the user enter a non-negative integer then uses a loop to calculate the factorial of that number. Display or print that factorial. For example if I enter the integer 4 The answer you should be able to print is 24. The above is just an example. You must use a loop! Due by Saturday midnight

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