For this assignment, you are going to find a public art (on the internet or near your house).
- Describe what you see.
- Describe the artist’s use of color. How many colors have been used?
- Describe the texture.
- Describe the lines in the work.
- What kinds of shapes do you see? Name them.
- What is the subject of the art work?
- Why do you think the piece was placed in this particular location?
- How old is it?
- Who made it?
- Who paid for it?
- Who is the artist?
- What is the title?
- Is your eye drawn to any particular area? Is there one place your eye always ends up? How does the artist create this?
- Is there an art element that stands out in the composition?
- Is the composition balanced?
- Does the work make you think of movement? How does the artist show movement?
- Does the work look flat or does it give a feeling of depth or space?
- How does the artist piece together the different parts of the art work?
- What’s the mood like?
- What overall feeling do you get from the artwork?
- Why do you think the artist choose this particular subject?
- What message do you think the artist wanted us to understand by looking at this artwork?
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