Instructions – Below are the titles of 3 seperate experimental articles. Each of these articles requires a response. The response has to include the ten questions below. Each article has to include the ten questions and answers. Its a total of 3 articles, and the same 10 questions for each article. 3 articles, 30 answers.
Kassin et al. (2003) – Social cognition: Confirmation bias – Article #1
Ask and Granhag (2005) – Motivational Sources of Confirmation Bias in Criminal Investigations: The need for cognitive closure
Dror and Hampikiam (2011) – Subjectivity and Bias in forensic DNA mixed interpretation
QUESTION 1: What was the purpose/aim of the study?
QUESTION 2: What were the hypotheses? DO NOT copy and paste. You MUST paraphrase.
QUESTION 3: What was the type of design?
QUESTION 4: What were the independent variables in this study and how were they operationalized?
QUESTION 5: Suggest a different way to operationalize the independent variables.
QUESTION 6: What were the major dependent variables and how were they operationalized?
QUESTION 7: Were the hypotheses supported?
QUESTION 8: Do you perceive any potential threats to the internal validity of the study? If yes, name the specific threat (e.g., history, maturation, etc) and explain how they threaten the internal validity? If no, why do you believe so – you still have to refer to the specific threats in order to explain why they are not an issue?
QUESTION 9: Do you perceive any potential threats to the external validity of the study? If yes, name the specific threat (e.g., participant, etc) and explain how they threaten the internal validity? If no, why do you believe so – you still have to refer to the specific threats in order to explain why they are not an issue?
QUESTION 10: What you might have done differently to improve on the quality of the study?
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