
6 pages(3 pages paper that not include Title page, Abstract page and Reference Page), double space, typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, APA format as follows:
__Page 1: Title page
__Page 2: Abstract with keywords
__Pages 3-5 Body (include all areas referenced (a-f))
__Reference Page (6) minimum 3 sources cited


Topic/Art Therapist: Helen Landgarten

/ 5 points Covers all required information including:
1) Background of art therapist (1 point)

2) Historical context of their art therapy practice (1 point)

3) Theoretical base for their art therapy practice (1 point)

4) Primary populations and settings with whom they worked (1 point)

5) Contributions to the field of art therapy (1 point)

/ 2 points Proper APA format

/ 1 point Minimum of 3 academic and scholarly resources

/ 2 points Art response image with description (at least one paragraph)

Total:10 points

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