Research one organization (Samsung) that needs improvement and one benchmark organization (Apple) . Create an As-Is process flowchart for a process that requires improvement within your selected organization. Develop a 700-word summary in which you explain
process improvement opportunities and change management processes for
the organization in need. Address each of the following in your summary: Explain why As-Is process flowcharts are important to problem
solving, and potential consequences of incorrectly completing an As-Is
flowchart. Use the matrix example given below to identify and benchmark process improvement categories: Identify and explain the following terms: Reduced lead-time/cycle-time Improved quality Elimination of waste Reduced total cost process improvements. Benchmark these four categories against Toyota Production Systems (TPS) lean enterprise best practices. Describe challenges that the selected organization may face in implementing these areas of improvement. Map at least two of the As-Is process improvement categories in the matrix to your selected organization. Use flowcharting process map boxes (spaghetti and/or swim lane) and at least two decision trees/blocks in the charting. Include your As-Is flowchart as an exhibit or figure in your paper. Process Improvement Categories Definitions (Identify and Explain) Toyota (Best Practice) Description Reduced Lead-Time / Cycle-Time Improved Quality Elimination of Waste Reduced Total Cost Cite at least three different references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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