write lab report about the experiment below
attached the report form please fell the details on it
1- should contain Graph.
2- 0% pilgrims.
To draw the calibration curve by plotting graph of percentage level of water versus level of water in jar.
Light is produced by the release of energy from the atoms of a material when they are excited by heat, chemical reaction or other means. It travels through space in the form of an electromagnetic wave – a form of radiant energy. There are many kinds of energy, including ultraviolet, infrared rays, radio waves and X rays. We only see a minute part of the radiant energy spectrum – the part that is called visible light. Each type of radiation has its characteristic wavelength, which is defined as the distance a wave travels in one cycle. The wavelength of UV, visible light and IR waves are very small and are measured in nanometers (nm) i.e. billionths of a meter.
The light sensor utilizes the photometric system of measurement that defines light in terms of how it is perceived by the human eye. The eyes sensitivity is dependent on the wavelength or color of the light. Peak sensitivity occurs in the green part of the visible Spectrum while the eyes response to infrared or ultraviolet is zero. The photodiode used in this sensor has selected for its maximized response through the visible part of the spectrum and its built-in infrared rejection filter.
Step 1:
Switch on the mains by using pump No.2.By pass valve flow / level open. All other experimental valves closed. Water inlet for (1,2,3) is closed.
Step 2:
Switch on the selector switch in 3rd position and open water inlet (1,2,3).
Process Control and Instrumentation Engineering Lab 2017-18 Sem A
Rev: 01
P23 | P a g e age 1
Step 3:
Drainage to sump (1,2,3) close and drainage valve of top tank is opened.
Step 4:
By pass valve flow / level partially closed and see that the rise of water in the top tank to be slow.
Step 5:
Once the level reaches 200ml position in the jar display meter (3) shows zero. Gradually allow the level as the cutter disc crosses the photometric emitter and detector sensor simultaneously record the heights / volume.
Step 6:
Once 100% reaches open drainage sump valve and close water inlet valve.
Observations and Calculation:
Sl. No. |
Percentage Level |
Level of water in jar in (ml) |
1 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
25% |
230 |
3 |
50% |
450 |
4 |
75% |
675 |
5 |
100% |
940 |
Results & Discussion: (To be filled by the student performing the experiment)
Process Control and Instrumentation Engineering Lab 2017-18 Sem A Rev: 01 SEMEST
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