my presentation is on Rachel Whiteread and the theme is memory+place.

1-Powerpoint slides organization:

First page : statement from the artist can be taken from the artist website

Social media accounts and websites,, a really good quote.

Second page: bio( date of birth/death, art school, what work they did, most important exhibitions and shows)

Third:summary main works (drawing “often works in”,)

Fourth: specific art pieces ( 5works in 5 slides) inspiration, quotes,

Fifth: long quote explaining the artist mentality

Last page: bibliography

Artstor, jstore are good sources to use

and put a maximum 5 minute video on the artist relevant to the presentation

2-word document:

A word document is needed to explain each slide and how to present them so the following organization will be helpful (slide 1 then write what to say and so forth)

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