Please prepare the presentation based on the contents attached as a word document.

Format presentation as if you were presenting a real life presentation that you were working on in a company. A template is provided ( See attached tempelate for powerpoint) as a suggestion for the presentation. You can use it or modify as long as the core elements of the presentation are present. Your presentation should also include speaker’s notes and proper citation of sources. You will individually narrate your portion of the presentation for the area assigned. You may use some other presentation tools such as YouTube,, Prezi, podcast, and so on instead of PowerPoint. Here are some tutorials on how to use some of these tools:

Using GoAnimate on YouTube (Links to an external site.)

Things to Remember!

✓ Be sure to include speaker’s notes and proper citation of sources in your presentation.

✓ Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting.

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